Lawd Deliver Me

Foreword: I’m delighted to welcome back G.Y.M.M.I.E. as guest blogger and active subscriber to Dissociative Writers. G.Y.M.M.I.E. says: “SPIRIT has always guided me through life. Each experience I have had, SPIRIT has shown me the life lesson in the experience. In this post written in September 2008, G.Y.M.M.I.E.’s life lesson comes at the bottom of the piece, a lesson we all need to learn. You can go to G.Y.M.M.I.E.S.’s website by clicking here. This post is one of occasional posts by subscribers to DW who share their writing.~ Lyn

by Guest Blogger G.Y.M.M.I.E (A Walking Celebration of Community)

Dear Lawd Deliver Me From Yo’ People,

Lawd it’s me again, now I know it’s been a while but here I am again. Now I know that you keep me safe and all that, but I’m guessin’ my GPS don’t know I’m a black woman livin’ in florida, cause if it did, it would not have me goin’ down all these here back roads where BillyBob and ‘em live. Ain't no lights, and did I just see... now I know he maybe one of yo’ chilin’ too, however, he may not want everybody to know that, he maybe frontin' some other thought process that is not conducive to my well bein'. I gots to be careful out here by myself. You say I'm not alone, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Well Ok Lawd, long as You deal with BillyBob and 'em I guess I'm alright.

You know Lawd as I’m drivin’ I’m noticin', Yo people don't know how to drive. Ms. Thang up in front of me is so busy buying vanity plates she done forgot what those directional objects on the side of her steering wheel are for. If she don’t stop changin’ lanes like she changin’ her mind. And the person who road my backside for miles and then went around me at top speed to turn at the next corner, yeah, halp him too, cause he ‘bout to get some sign language lessons. I know Lawd, I know I’m just ugly tonight, however, this whole back road thang makin’ me uneasy. You know Billybob and ‘em done put them big ole tires on that little ole truck, and I’m sure they done drove past me ‘bout fitty times. I know You with me, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, Why is it just a shadow of death Lawd. Humph stop what you say, because it's just the appearance of death, oh we gone have to talk about that. How …

Wait what is that ... is that lights coming at me while I’m drivin’ down a one way street LAWD what is that fool doin’ don’t they know they goin’ down the wrong way oh LAWD halp, HALP!!! Turn you fool, TURN!!!!!

Oh Lawd, why yo people so stubborn and hardheaded and don’t look where they goin’ and why did they give that no drivin’ I bought my drivers license from Kmart, fool of a driver a car!!

Huh, what you say, look at the sign well Lawd I know it’s a o-n-e w-a-y s-t-r-e-e-t, I … humph now Lawd You know You could have told me I was the one driving the wrong way down that street. What, You say You did, but I wasn’t listenin’.

Oh, Lawd, ain’t that how we are though, so busy worryin’ about what somebody else is doin’ in they car, we ain’t payin attention to what we doin’ in ours. Here you are schoolin’ me on shadows of things. Humph I sho’ was seeing some bad wasn’t I, thinkin’ BillyBob and ‘em gonna do somethin’ to me or Ms Thang gonna wreck my car. And through all that the one causin the most damage is me. Lawd forgive me, I do hope that driver wasn’t upset. They probably givin’ me sign language lessons as we speak. Well Lawd I guess today, deliver me from me.

Just me, Yvonne

2024 DW Anthology Call for Submissions!

Dissociative Writers is gearing up for our third annual Creative Healing Anthology, open to all subscribers to DW. All writing and art may be submitted, along with the Guidelines and Agreement to Publish (found at Groupeasy/Documents/Anthology 2024), between July 1 and September 16 by clicking here. Anticipated self-publication date is January 16, 2024. The digital anthology will be available for free on the Dissociative Writers website. For more information, click here.

NEWS FLASH: Prose word count limitations have exploded! We now accept submissions up to 1,000 words (old limit was 500). So get out your journal and start counting!

July & August Workshops

Tuesday, July 25, 1 pm Eastern: Writing-in-Place

Tuesday, August 1, 1 pm Eastern: Traditional Workshop

Wednesday, August 2, 8 pm Eastern: Evening Writing-in-Place Lite

Tuesday, August 8, 1 pm Eastern: Writing-in-Place

Tuesday, August 15, 1 pm Eastern: Traditional Workshop

Wednesday, August 16, 8 pm Eastern: Evening Writing-in-Place Lite

Tuesday, August 22, 1 pm Eastern: Writing-in-Place

Tuesday, August 29, 1 pm Eastern: Traditional Workshop

Wednesday, August 30, 8 pm Eastern: Evening Writing-in-Place Lite

Workshop Zoom Links

To find the Zoom link to the workshop you want to attend, go to Groupeasy / Calendar / Date & Name of Workshop. Click and you’ll be taken to the Zoom link to the workshop. We now use several Zoom links so it’s important for you to go to the Calendar to get the correct link. See you there!


All you have to do is take a close look at yourself and you will understand everyone else.

~ Isaac Asimov



I’m Writing Another Book!


I Come to the Garden Alone