Letter from Our Core Team

Our Vision

Dissociative Writers provides a safe space to support one another in our writing

and use the creativity that helped us survive to tell our stories.

Phase 1: September to December 2023

Give to Dissociative Writers!

Dear Friends of Dissociative Writers,

December Match!


Total Giving as of December 10, 2023

Every gift counts!

We – the Core Team – are excited to announce that DW has set a goal to become a 501(c)3 nonprofit. We believe we are ready for this big step, and we believe it’s the right thing to do for the future of our wonderful writers. We have set aside funds toward the legal fees required but are still far from our goal. We need your help and ask that you consider a one-time-only donation.

Giving Levels:

  • Be a Reader and give $10!

  • Be a Writer and give $25!

  • Be an Editor and give $50!

  • Be a Proofreader and give $75!

  • Be a Publisher and give $100!

  • Choose Your Own Adventure and donate whatever you’re called to donate!

  • Anyone who donates over $75 receives a handmade DW Bookmark by Beck!

  • Anyone who donates $200 or more receives a spiral bound copy of the 2024 DW Anthology!

  • Because we are not yet a nonprofit, donations are not tax deductable.

We are ready because:

  • We have a vision.

  • We have a volunteer meeting facilitator (Lyn), scribe (gabby), treasurer (Debby), administrative assistant (Sharon), and a separate bank account overseen by our treasurer.

  • We have three volunteer writing workshop facilitators (Lyn, Kim, Sharri) and one volunteer social hangout facilitator (JJ) who facilitate one or more workshops/events a week.

  • We have a modest income from subscriptions that pay for our communication template, Groupeasy, and other administrative costs.

It’s the right thing to do because:

  • Currently, we’re an arm of Lyn Barrett Author which is a for-profit business. Regardless, Dissociative Writers operations and funding are handled “as if” we were a nonprofit. It seems right to move this organization toward the designation with which we see ourselves.

  • Sustaining DW is of paramount importance. Lyn founded the group and is currently the “leader”. However, she is 76 years old and wants to see it continue beyond her capacity to lead. Becoming a nonprofit will enable that to happen.

We need your help because:

  • We estimate the cost for becoming a nonprofit is close to $4,000. This is greater than expedited nonprofit costs because we arose from a for-profit. That means we will have to fill out more forms for the IRS so they can be sure we’re not trying to “hide” money in our nonprofit.

  • Our goal is to raise $4,000. We have already transferred $1,000 from our general fund into our nonprofit account, which leaves $3,000 to raise. Phase 1 of our campaign begins in September and ends in December 2023. If 120 people give $25, we will have met our goal!

Give to Dissociative Writers!

Stay in touch with our fundraising and 501(c)3 effort by going to our website at www.dissociativewriters.com.

Thank you for caring!

The Core Team

Lyn, Founder

Gabby, Debby, Stephanie, Deklan, Kim, Sharri, and JJ