It Was Kind of Nice!

Foreword: I’m delighted to welcome Arwyn Child with G. J. M. J. & The Guys as guest blogger. Arwyn Child enjoys mending clothes, designing quilts from discarded fabrics, reading, teaching, praying and loving her family. They are active members of the Dissociative Writers community. This post is one of occasional posts by subscribers to DW who describe what it’s like to have DID. ~ Lyn

by Guest Blogger Arwyn Child with G. J. M. J. & The Guys

Yesterday we attended a funeral.
We heard these words:
Death, loss, burial, childhood, pain, body, baby, blood of Jesus, and none of them triggered us.
It was kind of nice. 

The organ played.
No triggers.
It was kind of nice.

We helped prepare and serve lunch afterwards.
Lots of talking.
No triggers. It was kind of nice.

Of course, there was a trigger.
The word, ‘memories’.
The shrinking tremor in our torso, the shiver in our head, the tension in our shoulders . . .
But we were able to recognize it and let it go.
We are thankful.

It was kind of nice.

DW Meeting Next Monday

Our next Dissociative Writers meeting will be held on Monday, February 13th, at 6:30 pm Eastern. We talk about all kinds of things that affect our workshops and the other work we do as dissociative writers. You are welcome to attend! Your voice is important! You’ll find the agenda, minutes, and treasurers reports in Documents on Groupeasy by the end of this week.

Love Your Parts ❤️

Next Tuesday, February 14th, is Valentines Day. Make it a day to LOVE YOUR PARTS!

Published Works

Go to our Published Works page to access our all new Creative Healing Anthology and other published works of DW writers.

See You In Orlando!

Some of you are attending An Infinite Mind’s Healing 2023 Together Conference in Orland on February 17th through 19th. Gabby will be speaking on Grief: Managing Loss through Art and Music, Sharri on Sharri Shines: Coming Out of the Dark on the Other Side of RA/MC, and Lyn on Confronting the F-Word (the word is forgiveness, not fuck, ahem). If you’re attending, click here to let Lyn know so you’ll be invited to several gatherings of DW folks. See you there! If you are not attending in-person, consider signing up for online registration. We’d love to know you’re there!


As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else.
~ Maya Angelou



Catching Up at the Conference


Dissociative Writers