Dissociative Writers

When I was ready to publish my memoir, Crazy: Reclaiming Life from the Shadow of Traumatic Memory, I wondered if anyone would read it. I had been “closeted” all my life and almost no one knew of my diagnosis. For most of my collapse and restoration, there was little in the way of DID community, or at least none that I knew of. Although my primary purpose for writing Crazy was to make sense of my life, I also thought it might be helpful for others with DID and their loved ones and therapists. I was sitting on a story with no way to share it.


Then I learned about platforms. Every author needs a platform, the publishing industry says. A website, social media accounts, a following. I had none of those things. After deliberating over the situation a little bit, I decided to build a website, grow an email list, and offer a free little book online called DID Unpacked: A Parable. As I was doing this, it occurred to me that I could also start a writers workshop for people with dissociative disorders. Just another way to build my email list and following, right?

I can’t tell you how wrong I was.

A Life of Its Own

Dissociative Writers (DW) has taken on a life of it’s own as writers write, share, give feedback, support one another, trust one another, build community, take on leadership roles, and help move our community forward. As of this date, DW has over 60 subscribers and meets once a week in two forms of workshops — traditional and writing-in-place — with an average of 15 people in each workshop. DW just published our second annual Creative Healing anthology of prose, poetry, and art. DW inaugurated a new website page highlighting the books of published authors. DW subscribers will head for Florida soon to lead workshops and/or participate in the Healing Together Conference. DW is now on a user-friendly online platform called Groupeasy that will help sustain it into the future. DW has leaders who are always thinking of new ways to support our very unique writers.

The Main Event

I am in awe of Dissociative Writers and the people who are a part of it. I used to think my memoir was the main event and DW was just a part of my platform. Instead, Dissociative Writers is the main event, and my memoir was just a vehicle for getting this amazing community off the ground.

Below you can see and access some of the powerful works produced by Dissociative Writers. Thank you to all who have done so much to give each of us a voice where once we had no voice.

Click on the picture above to go straight to Creative Healing, Volume 2.

Click on the image above to go straight to the DW Published Works page.


The need for connection and community is primal, as fundamental as the need for air, water, and food.

~ Dean Ornish



It Was Kind of Nice!

