Dissociative Writers Day
Did you know that yesterday was Dissociative Writers Day?
I didn’t either!
My good friend, Gabby, reminded me that our very first writers workshop was held four years ago on that date.
I went back to my old composition book where I recorded each workshop and entered attendance. Sure enough, there it was. On the cover I had written: DID Writers’ Workshops, March 16, 2021.
Twelve people attended that first workshop, nine of them still active in DW today: Mel, Sharri, Jill, Gabby, Debby, Cathy, Jayden, Joyce, and Gymmie. These are our founding members!
Back in those days, we didn’t have a name, we just gathered to write every other week to share our writing. We didn’t have a community platform either; instead, I sent out reminders and zoom links each week our workshops were scheduled. It was totally free back then, and I did all the legwork. We had a daytime workshop and an evening workshop, both on the same day, equivalent to Draft and Discuss.
Today, we offer three different kinds of workshops three times a week, along with special events dotted throughout the year. We have 90 subscribers with a minimal subscription fee to cover expenses like Zoom, Heartbeat, Squarespace, admin services, insurance, and other important stuff. We are a nonprofit with a Board of four, hoping to expand to six in the near future.
And … we have a 5th Anniversary Planning Team working to shape a super-duper 5th year in 2026!
Now they’ll have another task to take on: Dissociative Writers Day on March 16. Put it on your calendar. Look forward to that day every year and to our Fifth Year Anniversary in 2026!
Dissociative Writers has shaped me and I hope it’s shaped you because both you and I have shaped Dissociative Writers. Thank you!
Celebrate the excitement of trying to build something new and wonderful.
~ Abhijit Banerjee