
Exposure is scary.

Sometimes when I’m in a group, I’m afraid to raise my hand to make a comment.

Do you know why? Because I’m sure my thoughts will slip away when I’m trying to talk.

What will people think of me? What will people say?

Sometimes the fear is completely unfounded. When I can’t put a string of ideas together into a coherent thought, people don’t notice. But I do. I know what I want to say, but it doesn’t come out. That’s why I write — to take the time to develop ideas that other people can understand. Speaking impromptu in a large group is another thing altogether.

Sometimes the fear isn’t unfounded. Revealing my diagnosis to a coworker who then exposed me to my employer was dangerous. HR was notified and I could have been fired had my work suffered. Fortunately, that didn’t happen, but it could have. This was a case where fear of exposure was justified.

Participating in a group like Dissociative Writers exposes us, but is our fear justified or unfounded? DW works hard to be a safe space for everyone. Our subscribers are kind and caring. We’ve revised our subscription form with safety in mind. Our new platform, Heartbeat, is as secure as they come. The code of conduct required by all subscribers is rigorous. Each of us has to decide if participation is safe for us now, in this moment in time, or if the personal risks of exposure are too great.

I’m grateful that so many people have decided it’s worth the risk. Brene Brown says that to be human is to be vulnerable, and to be vulnerable is to take risks. I am enriched by the brave women, men, and nonbinary people who attend our workshops, share their stories through their writing, and trust one another. As they grow, I grow, we all grow, as companions along the journey.

If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll join us!

Heartbeat Rollout Successful!

As we speak, current subscribers are still migrating onto our new community platform — Heartbeat — successfully! If you are a subscriber and haven’t yet accepted your invitation, please do so as soon as you are able. If you didn’t receive an invitation, click here to let us know.

Evening Writing-in-Place Meets EVERY WEEK Beginning This Week!

DW is pleased to announce that our Evening Writing-in-Place workshop is meeting EVERY Wednesday beginning June 5th. Surita will continue to facilitate every other week. On alternate weeks, Wildflower will facilitate, beginning this week.

Wildflower shares this about herself: I am a creative person emerging from the shadows of trauma and dissociation. On the path of self love, I am honored to lead the writing time as we allow the truth of our words to be expressed in safe companionship. 

Stop into the evening workshop, from 8:00 - 9:30 pm Eastern, for prompts and writing partners, every single week!

DW Calendar

To see our full calendar offerings, subscribe to Dissociative Writers, accept your Heartbeat Invitation, and go to Calendar!


Vulnerability is basically uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.

To be human is to be vulnerable.

~ Brene Brown



Memoir: Writing Your Story


Be Free