Sometimes people ask us, “Why write?”

Healing with Words

Next Saturday evening, a group of five dissociative writers will answer that question at An Infinite Mind’s Healing Together Conference at a session called Healing with Words. Cathy, Gabby, Emerald System, Sharri, and I each have different stories to tell because of our unique personalities and experiences. But each of us agree that writing is a form of creative healing that has a powerful impact on us.

Our little group of writers will speak for themselves but, in a larger sense, we will speak for you and other people with dissociative disorders who find that writing heals. Each of us, in our own way, has found that writing gives a voice to the voices that have been silenced. Writing is an expression of our pain and our joy, our despair and our hope, our anger and our empowerment.

Writers Workshops 

Over the past year, our afternoon workshop for people with dissociative disorders has grown by leaps and bounds. Women and men meet every other week to read, support, and give feedback to two or three writers who have submitted their writing in advance. Through this process, we have learned to trust ourselves, trust each other, and claim our authentic voice.

New Prompt-Driven Workshop

To meet the needs of a growing group of writers, we are adding another workshop on alternate weeks, which will be facilitated by Sharri. Beginning with a prompt, you will write in real time, then share your writing for affirmation and support. To register for either workshop, or both, go to the Writers Workshop registration page.

Creative Healing Anthology

Many, many thanks to Carrie, Gabby, Joyce, Mel, Sharri, and Andrew who combined their brilliant, creative gifts to produce this anthology!

That’s why I’m so excited to share the news that our first-of-its-kind anthology – Creative Healing: An Anthology of Poems, Prose, and Art – is now published and available to you for free online at Twenty-one writers and artists had the courage to share their writing, not only with each other, but with you and the many others who will read this anthology. 

It is hard. It is poignant. It is powerful. It is tender. It is angry. It is terrifying. It is real. 

I invite you to download Creative Healing and read it at your own pace. Some of it may trigger you, so be prepared to ground yourself when that happens. Some of it may make you cry, so keep your tissues near by. Some of it may make you laugh and make your Littles giggle. Some of it may resonate so deeply that you get up to find a pen and paper so you can write some of your story too. 


This week, you can do two things that may affirm you in your healing journey. 

You can tune into Healing Together on Saturday night at 6:15 pm Eastern to the session titled Healing With Words. You’ll have a chance to write to a prompt and hear from Sharri, Emerald System, Gabby, and Cathy to find out why they write.

You can also download Creative Healing and read the writing of fellow friends with dissociative disorders.

I hope you’ll do both.


No, I’m not crazy, and neither are you. Sometimes we just feel crazy. Each of us has a story to tell. Crazy: Reclaiming Life from the Shadow of Traumatic Memory is my story. I invite you to buy it from you favorite online or bricks-and-mortar bookstore and read it. When you do, contact me through this website and let me know what you thought of it. I’d love to hear from you!

Book Signing

If you are attending the Healing Together Conference in-person, bring along your copy of Crazy, or plan to buy it there. I will be doing a book reading and signing over lunches: Saturday at 12:45 pm and Sunday at 12:30 pm. I hope to see you there!

What Do You Think?

Post your comments about writing below. Are you a writer? An artist? How do you express yourself and claim your voice?


You will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

John 8: 32 



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Hurting & Forgiving