
I believed in the Light before I believed in God.

I lived in darkness and longed to see a great Light.

When I felt the Light, viscerally, I moved toward it.

I stumbled through darkness but the small Light kept shining.

Nothing, not anxiety, not depression, not confusion, not flashbacks, not triggers, not chaos, not unreality, not amnesia, not anger, not victimhood, nothing could extinguish that small Light.

The darkness simply was not able to overcome it.

The Light, it turned out, was healing and, eventually, the small Light grew into the great Light I longed to see.

Whether we assign the Light to God, as I do, or to some other power inside us or around us, it is real.

The Light is real, just as the darkness is real, just as our healing is real, if we keep walking toward it.

Tomorrow is the winter solstice, December 21st, the longest night of the year when the pure power of Light is most visible through the inky, black sky. At midnight on December 25th, the veil between the “here” and the “not-yet” separates to allow the great Light to shine forth on we mortals who carry pain, suffering, and despair. It illuminates our future that is full, abundant, and whole. The ultimate story is that darkness of spirit never wins.

Instead, the Light wins, in you, in me, in each of us who keep walking toward it.

May this be a season of Light for you.

Holiday Respite

For the next two weeks, I’ll be taking a holiday respite. You can expect to hear from me again on or about January 3, the day Crazy: Reclaiming Life from the Shadow of Traumatic Memory is published. Click here to preorder your book now.

You will do me an honor to attend our Book Launch Party! on Wednesday, January 5th from 7-8 pm Eastern. Just click here to register for the Party!.

Take care of yourself, too. Have a respite. Be well. Create the holiday that works for you.


The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.

Isaiah 9:2



I’m Publishing a Book!

