
In this last week of December, your gift is your power. Your resilience, authentic feelings, wisdom, and hope are the ingredients to a powerful life. It’s normal, I think, to feel powerless in the wake of childhood trauma, but I encourage you to claim it. Begin the new year with a new sense of your complex self that results in power in spite of pain. Like all gifts, use it, embody it, then offer it to someone else. Enjoy! ~ Lyn



Power! 〰️

When I was the principal of a high-achieving, urban elementary school, people saw me as powerful. Ironically, I often felt powerless. I couldn’t seem to control the invisible dynamics swirling around me. Possessing authority brought with it triggers I had to manage while casting a vision, keeping order, and supporting layer upon layer of people who looked to me for stability and guidance.

Indeed, I was powerful but I felt powerless. That was true in my personal life as well. Even today, I sometimes feel powerless in spite of the fact that I know I have the power to be the best, most productive, happiest “me” that I can be.

Sound familiar? Maybe you feel powerless too. Invisible dynamics swirl around you, sometimes throwing you off course. Triggers demand attention, thrusting you into the past. You may have the authority to lead your own life, but you need stability and guidance as you support the layers of parts clammering for your attention.

Guess what. You have the power to be the best, most productive, happiest “you” you can be. Do you know how I know this? Because all month I’ve been giving you gifts you already have: resilience, authentic feelings, wisdom, and hope. These character traits belong to you. You own them. Life throws everyone curves, but you will navigate them — sometimes effectively and sometimes as learning experiences — because your survivorship has honed your power.

As you begin a new year, you have the power to do whatever you can do — and that’s all anyone can ask for. Instead of making a new year’s resolution, why not claim your power? Your power to heal, to grow, to succeed, to fail and grow some more, to love, and to be real.

Cast your vision as a guiding light for the days ahead. You can do it because you are powerful!

Coming soon!

Healing Without Forgiving: a hero’s journey for dissociative survivors by Lyn Barrett.

Available today!

Crazy: Reclaiming Life from the Shadow of Traumatic Memory by Lyn Barrett. Click here to order.


Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.

~Seneca the Younger



